Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Line Quality presentation

'Creative art begins with creative line... Have always the courage to to draw it yourself'- Andrew Loomis

'Skill is a capacity that we develop'- Richard Sennett

From the presentation on line quality, I began to realise how important the process of drawing is, and how much of an impact process has on the final outcome. I also started to think about new ways to approach simple processes, such as appropriate media and how tools can actually dictate the image rather than approaching the problem with a pre formed solution.

We started to focus on the quality of line and the opportunities of how to utilise the versatility of it to create diverse and ranging outcomes, we also began to understand the nature and effect of line within the context of drawing.

We also looked at the skill behind the drawing of a line, and how there is no standard for good drawing, because the creativity and ideas behind the work contains the most weight, and are always totally reliant upon the hand of the artist.

How do gesture, control, speed, tool, pressure and media work to create interesting and engaging pictures?

Ceri Amphlett


Ben Shahn

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