Thursday, 27 April 2017

Applied Illustration- Audience

I've been very conflicted with what I can consider an appropriate audience, as I had always stuck to the fact that men also used cover up creams. However, after doing a lot of social media research, I found that it is in fact only a small percentage of men who do use the camouflage creams, and they didn't tend to mind the current packaging from what I saw. Women on the other hand, are far more inclined to be affected emotionally by having to use the medicinal looking creams. This is most probably due to women typically being more concerned about their facial appearance than men

Also, since this is a proposal for a movement which will highlight the beauty of these skin conditions, I think feminising them through a soft colour palette will be the best way to make them mirror this. Therefore I will focus my range on women primarily, but perhaps make them accessible to men through the use of darker colours in aspects of the packaging.

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