Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Tutorial three

I found this tutorial really helpful, as it was a good overview of my Wonky project, and gave me feedback I hadn't really gotten before.

It was also useful to talk to Matt about my work life balance, as I have been struggling recently with stress and a family friends death, but felt bad about letting it interfere with my work

- TAKE A BREAK! Matt said that it was important for me to take some time out and have a rest, the hand in isn't the end of everything, so I should look after myself at this time- this was really helpful to hear
- Like the pattern making aspects in the wonky fruit and veg- can I push this further?
- The A3 ones seem like they're too busy, what's good about the smaller ones is that they're simple, maybe just try a massive version of those?
- Try really looking at form- it works well in the small ones where I've studied it, but the big ones are too contrived- just trust instinct!

wonky- time to rest- pattern making, having one big version instead

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