Wednesday, 4 January 2017

About the Author- After holiday crit

Today we had a short peer review crit

I was able to show my short sting tests and storyboards that I created over the holidays.

Lin Yutang test from Megan Ojari on Vimeo.

What was the feedback?
- Liked the simplicity of tests
- Thought the idea of just sounds rather than soundtrack would work well with my quiet designs
- I don't need to stress about having them flawless- we're not animators!

What next?
- Testing in square format has helped me understand how it works- now I need to make use of the studio macs and put my storyboards into action


Amie Talus
Although this animation is a lot more developed than mine will be, I like the cyclical nature of it, and how most of the action happens in a small section of the screen. I also love how there is a cause and effect motion of the typing of keys- I would like to have some kind of movement created by an element hitting another in the frame, as it creates a more 'real' feel.

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