Monday, 2 November 2015

A Day in the Life Roughs

For this editorial based project, I needed to create three visual responses to a randomly selected article. I got 'Danger Mice', concerning the underlying ideologies of politicians, and how the public should react to these. Although I found the article interesting, I also found it extremely difficult to create imagery which showed the hidden connotations of the text whilst still presenting a clear and to the point message.

In order to start this process, I started by developing 9 roughs, which are not something I have done before. I actually really struggled with this process, as I found the nature of them very difficult to complete, as I prefer to create 'finished' detailed pieces. However, after looking at the rest of the classes work, I feel that I should have done more research through drawing and explored different media from the beginning, in order to branch out a little with what effects I could create.

Next time I create roughs I will take this into account and use a few different media to begin with in order to find compositions which I am happy with before taking them into further development.

However, after practising a little with them I found their quick and effective nature worked well to create and play around with different ideas and seeing if they work visually before investing time in a more detailed and complex method.

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