Sunday, 20 December 2015

Artist research

Through looking at the work of professional illustrators I was able to see how they use white space alongside their character work to create interesting compositions. 

The book by Jimmy Gagné shows the relationship between simple illustrations and a 3D product. I Really like the flow of this book, and how the slight addition of colour lifts the drawings from the page and ensure that the reader is kept interested throughout.

Jimmy Gagné

I also looked at the work of Art Jeeno, as I thought the mixing of loose colour with fairly refined facial details create a lovely transparent and whimsical feel the the artwork. I also love the emotion showed by the subtle differences in the eyes and lips of the characters.
Art Jeeno
What I like:
- How the style and simplicity of drawings can lend to a beautifully quiet product through the composition
- How contrasts in style and colour can bring more liveliness to the work 
- How slight additions of strong colour bring a strong focus and crisp finish to the work

How this has influenced my practise:
- Really need to think about how my artwork is going to sit on the page
- Think about small additions of colour, and how this can work against black and whit line
- Consider how emotion and personality can be portrayed in my character 

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