Friday, 4 December 2015

Photography artist research

What I found to be the most valuable method of research was photography, as it is a quick and effective way to collate different points of inspiration, which I could later draw from using them as reference.

Since I am exploring the city centre of Sheffield I looked at a couple of photographers who have focused on the juxtaposition of buildings and the natural form of plants. Two photographers who I particularly liked were Charlie Levine and Liz Eswin, who I felt captured the difficult tone in their subject matter through considered compositions and strong regard for lighting. I also really love how their images really tell a story and make the viewer want to know what is happening through only the small details it contains.

What I liked:
- Bold partitions between natural and man made, create a visual barrier
- Contrast in colour between the two, makes the viewer really want to explore the context more
- Lighting very effective in sharpening images and adding a strong relief

What I will do next:
- Consider how to use natural lighting to create strong compositions
- Try to start 'telling a story' through my photos
- Begin to progress work through the use of collage on my own photos
Charlie Levine
Liz Eswein

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