Thursday, 7 April 2016

Persons of Note- Digital development

I would love to explore more the idea of how Turing believed that the digital Bombe still relied upon the hand rendered and mechanised type of humans, so want to explore the relationship between digital and hand rendered. I want to do this through using illustrator and scene print, as they are both processes I really enjoy and am eager to practise more.

I made a 'rough' scaled down illustrator file, which I won't use for my final design, just to see how
the process works and looks all the way through to screen printing.

What is working?
-Lots of roughs ensured I got a well balanced composition, could have been more refined, but serves as a rough print
-Like the use of negative space- reminds me of the punched holes and slots in the Bombe, with the black line being Turings logic- In many ways the Bombe is an embodiment of himself

What isn't working?
- Think the type and shapes worked a lot better when they were hand rendered, illustrator flattens them too much
-Could take more time over roughs to make them more coherent
-NEVER DESIGN ON SCREEN- gets too clustered and precise

What concerns do I have?
- Is it all a bit too theoretical? I'm struggling to see how to portray Turings thoughts in any way other than a fairly abstract manner
-How do you draw a mathematical/literacy IDEA?
- These are all connections from Turings head, how can that be comprehensive?
-What words will I put in? Is Turing too obvious? Do others link strongly enough to Turing?

Initial Layout sketches
Fine tuning initial trial design
Experimenting with first design on Illustrator
Initial ideas on Illustrator to see how the shapes
would translate
Planning deign on paper using white ink
Converting my design into Illustrator 
First screen print positive- hand rendered T
will be added after
Second screen print positive

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