Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Persons of Note- Type and cut paper

What was I trying to achieve?
-Looking at how his clumsy hands work with his brain to create precise but messy ideas
-Trying to show hints to his name- AMT in first and TURING in second
-In third trying to visually portray his mind, how did he comprehend all the codes and possibilities? 

What do I think?
-Like the shape in the second image, looks almost like a magnifying glass, reminds the audience to look for clues to decode?
- Like how the lino is hand rendered, like most of his work, but it may be overall a bit too messy, want something a bit crisper to show the precision
- Really like the direction of the third and fourth, thinking about using the machine parts to construct his thoughts

What questions do I have/what to do next?
-What would the inside of his mind look like?
-Could I use the shapes of the machine (physical imagery) to reproduce his ideas?
-Precise and guessed at times, a bit like a weighing scale
-Machine was mainly cyclical- circles
-Punched paper holes and negative space, how does this sit within my work?

- Really like the idea of somehow trying to code his name- hidden in plain sight, just like the German messages

Cut paper showing parts of the machine and his thinking
Trying to get the audience to decode- like mechanised type
What did his brain look like? How can one man make sense of all the different
possibilities and workings of the Bombe? There must have been some internal map
Exploring different media- perhaps screen print next?
To echo the processes of his time

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