Tuesday, 4 October 2016

About the Author- Study Task 2

Jordan Andrew Carter:

What do I like:
- Bold colours, not seen much in editorial illustrations- shows meaning of colour (to illustrate beauty of Kew gardens)
- Different use of patterns and textures ensures the image has depth and feels more 'alive' to the audience
- Character of the sun- this is not normally something associated with editorial illustrations, but I think it helps balance the piece and subconsciously incorporates the character of Kew Gardens

How has this informed my practise:
- Need to think about the relevance of each element, and not make superficial decisions
- Could I think about including contrasting textures in my work? Think it breathes a lot of life into pieces
- Need to make sure I don't stick with 'real life' imagery, and push my drawings to show the metaphors in his writings

Dan Page:

What do I like:
- The ambiguity of his image, only on further investigation is the true meaning revealed
- The addition of the rose not only clarifies the metaphor, but also adds a human and sympathetic side to the image
- The texture gives a more 'gritty' reality to the image and really grounds the piece
- The metaphor of it being on the zebra crossing creates an unnerving juxtaposition between safety and danger, as it takes place on a stretch of road which is supposedly controlled by the pedestrian

How has this informed my practise:
- I need to think of ways to depict one scene whilst showing an event or idea in a slightly undercover manner
- Think carefully of colour, this simple colour palette works incredibly well as it doesn't distract from the meaning and still creates a quiet feel
- Again, could I look at including texture?

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