Friday, 21 October 2016

Responsive- Study Task 1

How to start:
- Check date
- Look at who set the brief (What are they looking for?)
- Check what the brief exacts
- Find out who the intended audience is
- Look at previous winners
- Research judges (articles etc)


- I'm wanting to focus more on children's illustration, especially since I may be working more with Anorak
- Great opportunity to spend more time on idea generation and scamping, which I'm not too confident with at the moment
- Because this brief has such a specific audience and function, it will ensure I am making work which is appropriate and pushes my abilities
- It doesn't need to fit in with their feel and brand, so I can really experiment with style and media
- This brief does scare me a bit as it's so out of my comfort zone, but that might be a good thing


- Exciting brief- really focusing on pattern design, which I experimented with a little in 401 last year and thoroughly enjoyed
- Chance to see how my designs could work in different formats and for different purposes
- Freedom of how artwork can be created and what it will look means I will be able to explore whatever avenues I want to and develop the personal response I like the best
- Will be able to develop my strengths in colour to make attractive designs


- Different to the other briefs- think it will be very focused on drawing, which should be enjoyable
- The variety of possible outcomes ensure that I wouldn't be too focussed on the designing at the start, and it would be more about the artwork
- May be slightly limiting, as there is a very strong emphasis on certain themes/looks


- Telling a story/instructions without using type is not something I'm used to, so may be quite difficult- would be a good way to push myself though
- Could be too design orientated?
- This is SUCH a broad brief, think I could really push the outcome to something that I'm not sure of right now, which will keep my practice fresh and interesting


UK Greetings
- Create own collection, including 4x single greetings cards (105x159, 121x184 or 140x140 mm) 1x boxed notecard set (110x132mm) 1x gift bag (267x330mm) 1x repeat pattern for wrap (show one or two swatch samples) 1x notepad cover (A4 or A5)
- Style and audience loose- up to my own interpretation, colour palette very important (maybe do some research first before deciding)
- Designs will be used in a product application, so must be practical and fairly flexible
- Ensuring I create a range which all link together yet work as stand alone pieces may be quite difficult- I will need to ensure I use my colour skills so that they tie together and work as a set

Potential collaboration brief:

- Really want to improve my typography skills
- Think I want to work with graphic design disciplines, so this might be a good way to use type and illustration based ideas and practices

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