I'm really struggling with this project, as I feel like I've used all my ideas, and I just can't seem to focus enough on creating imagery. Also I'm finding time management really difficult at the moment, as I want to put work into COP and Responsive, as well as trying to balance my home life and work.
In the group tutorial today with Teresa I really didn't have much to show and it just made me feel even more behind and lost to begin with, but after talking to my peers about my ideas and where I'm wanting to head, I started to get a clearer idea of what I want to make.
What next?
- Start creating!! Drawing, printing, painting, roughing, anything. By shying away from starting I'm just making it feel like a bigger task
- Create a timetable of what I need to do when to help balance my workload
- Consider suitability of ideas and how it will work in practice- it's ok to try it then change ideas!
- Experiment with different print methods- I love printing, so this should be the perfect project for me- I really need to just start trying to create some print based imagery, if only to break through the 'wall'
- Don't hide away! Because I've been feeling so overwhelmed with this project I've been avoiding asking for help, but in the last brief I learnt it really helped with my development, so I need to ensure I ask for help as soon as I need it rather than just wait around not doing anything!
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