Wednesday, 19 October 2016

About the Author- Proposal

I intend to produce ……

A two colour (plus stock), 16-page publication, around 20 cm x 15 cm and including text, which will be made using traditional printing methods.

The content will focus on (identify 3 specific themes, texts or concepts)
1.     The idea that everything is different yet equal, and some things, whilst still equal, are wrong

2.     That there is beauty in all aspects of life, and the bad parts only amplify the good

3.     More abstract ideas such as plants and rocks not needing mouths or stomachs

I will be aiming to communicate (identify 3 specific messages, ideas, moods etc.)

1.     Equality

2.     Tranquility

3.     The idea of unearthing/translating meaning

To an audience of ….. (name 3 characteristics)

1.     Aged over 16

2.     Interested in arts/graphic design subjects

3.     Interested in physchology/philosophy

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