Wednesday, 2 November 2016

About the Author- Hand screen planning

I really wanted to get into producing prints with my overlapping idea, so I started making some paintings and stencils to help visualise how they would work as prints

What worked?
- Thinking through cutting paper was a new technique to me, but after Louise Lockharts visit, I thought it would be a good opportunity to try something I hadn't done before and break away from pencilled roughs, and I think it really helped to create more fluid outcomes
- Using gouache to roughly visualise what my print will look like helped me to wrap my head around how a third colour can be achieved
- Cutting the paper gives a really crisp, clean finish
- I like how they communicate the translation aspect of Yutang's life, whilst still focusing on his written works about the 'geometrical precision of hands'

What next?
- Transfer my coloured cut outs onto black card to use for screen printing
- Consider colour- what will make a clear but not clashing contrast?
- Start making my other sketches more shape based to be used for this technique too

What concerns do I have?
- Are the shapes abstract enough? can you tell they are hands when they are individual colours?
- Will it work?? This is my main idea at the moment, so I really hope the overprinting works!

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