Wednesday, 9 November 2016

About the Author- Ideas and roughs

After going to Thoughtbubble this weekend, I was really inspired by all the different styles and techniques the artists used.

Also, after speaking to several of them, I realised how similar they were to me, and that it's up to me to make work that I want to show.

I've been struggling to find my 'style', but I think I need to stop trying to force it, and just let it develop naturally, so I thought about what I want to draw for this project, and that's when it struck me that I want to draw and play, not necessarily create shapes and block colours. So I took a step back from my work and went back to thinking through my ideas.

What do I want to show?

- "the world I believe, is far too serious" - Yutang (Don't take this project too seriously, have fun!)
- Stories in my prints, not just simple imagery- Think back to SB1

So I started roughing again, and I'm a lot happier with this different way of thinking, as I can still develop into shape based imagery if I want to, but at the moment I'm just enjoying drawing and creating and seeing where it takes me.

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