Friday, 18 November 2016

After Effects- Workshop 2

I'm starting to really get the hang of After Effects, and I actually really look forward to the sessions! Although I don't find it as intuitive as the other Adobe suites, I find it really helpful to work in sessions with tutors and peers, as I think it's a really good environment where we can help each other.

- In order to change pace -> press U -> Click and drag to select all keyframes -> Drag and drop to change placement -> Hold alt and drag first or last keyframe to stretch out time

- File -> New -> Document type -> Film and video -> HDTV 1080p (will give composition exactly the same as after effects
- Colour mode RGB
- Keep any significant action within outer rectangle of guides on photoshop- will ensure cropping in different formats doesn't effect video
- Outer rectangle- film safe zone
- Inner rectangle - title safe zone

- Image -> canvas size to change size of area to work with
- After Effects works like In Design - keep all files in one folder

To import images:
- Click project box -> File -> Import -> File - Import kind - footage will work like solid squares
- Click and drag into composition
-Drag into timeline (Will automatically be in the middle of composition)

To work with layered photoshop files:
- File -> Import file -> import kind - Composition (Will work as one image with central anchor)
- Composition retain layer sizes (Will each keep individual size and shape- more like layers in photoshop)
- Double click on composition in project window

- Composition -> Composition settings - Can change time
- Use navigation bar to zoom out, then select and drag length of each element

- Set end point then work backwards to create 'coming together'

- Whilst working save After Effects file with images - like In Design
- Composition -> Add to render queue
-> Best settings - Time span- work area or whole thing?
-> Lossless - Format options... Change animation to H.264
-> Output to- Choose where/name

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