Tuesday, 1 November 2016

About the Author- Roughs feedback and proposal

Today we had a mega crit, which was a great opportunity to gain some feedback on my initial roughs as well as seeing how everyone else in my class is working at the moment. Although I wasn't very happy with the quality or quantity of work I had to show, it was still good to understand what other people are thinking of the direction of my work

What have I learnt?
- I was trying to undertake a task that was too big- I need to really assess what I can achieve and pare down my workload if necessary to avoid stressing too much!
- Even if I don't think the quality of my work is very good at the moment, the ideas are the important foundation for any project
- To consider the basic elements right from the start, including composition and colour, as they are such an intrinsic part of my practice

What will I do next?
- Since I've changed to prints rather than a book, I need to explore how to make a substantial content for my prints, probably through roughing
- Start making prints- even if they're not going to be my finals, I just need to start trying different print techniques
- Establish at least 5 key themes which I want to explore

BA (Hons) Illustration - Level 05

OUIL504 Illustration: Process & Production

STUDIO BRIEF 2 PROJECT PROPOSAL: Production & Presentation of my Printed Pictures

I intend to produce ……

5 x A3 square prints made using traditional printing methods, potentially lino print and screen print

The content will focus on (identify 3 specific themes, texts or concepts)
1.     The core motifs of Yutangs work

2.     That there is beauty in all aspects of life, and the bad parts only amplify the good

3.     Telling a meaning through images

I will be aiming to communicate (identify 3 specific messages, ideas, moods etc.)

1.     Equality

2.     Tranquility

3.     The idea of unearthing/translating meaning

To an audience of ….. (name 3 characteristics)

1.     Aged over 16

2.     Interested in arts/graphic design subjects

3.     Interested in psychology/philosophy

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