Friday, 10 March 2017

Progress Tutorial

This morning I had my progress tutorial with Ben, which was really useful.

My main concern was with the amount of work I had done for responsive, as I was finding it really stressful to balance my uni work, employment and personal commitments. I discussed this with Ben and we decided that I had enough Responsive to leave the module for now, and maybe complete the Batsford prize over Easter if I get the chance, and focus on Applied Illustration for the moment.

It was interesting talking to Ben about my practice, and what direction I want to take my work in, especially within Applied Illustration, as Ben described my work as a mix between figurative and abstract, which I had never considered before, but it definitely does fit.


- Finish blogging and leave aside until Batsford as Easter
- Continue with collaborative

Applied Illustration:
- Work towards 6 illustrations which are then applied to the packaging
- Think about clashes and contrasts of abstract and figurative work
- Remember the communication needs to be sympathetic
- Context- think about how it could be applied elsewhere- distribution and scope for growth

Context of Practice:
- Consider where I could take the project next year- colour and it's history? Marion Deuchars project about language and colour

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