Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Software for Packaging workshop

- Before you start, think about size and appropriateness, especially with regard to the printing ability
- Use Illustrator

Make layer called 'guides'
Drag rectangle over whole doc (Use rectangle tool on left)
-> Object-> path -> split into grid (use preview to check)
Tick add guides-> OK
Double click guides layer-> tck template - OK


Main box:
Make layer called 'net'
alt & click with rectangle tool -> choose size and it will align centre with where you clicked
alt & drag will copy -> hold shift to keep movement straight
(Can use object -> transform -> move to move specifically - click copy) -> can then cmd & D to transform again

Rectangle tool & click - make flaps (just change height/width, depending on which side adding to)
Direct selection tool (white cursor) ->click on top corners -> curve corners -> can drag handles to anchor to make straight edges
-> copy into place
Select both tabs -> Rotate tool (change to reflect)
Hold alt & click on line to reflect on -> Horizontal/vertical -> click COPY

Select all, copy and paste onto new layer (edit -> paste in place) rename 'folds' then hide layer

Open pathfinder (window -> pathfinder)
Select all -> Unite (first option)
May need to zoom in to check accuracy (could make extra rectangles to join up)
Lock net layer

Select all and lower transparency to show folds less
-> stroke -> dashed
Select fold and group

Unlock layers
Copy artboards using alt & drag on artboard tool
Rename whilst copying
Can now turn folds/net lines off on one side if wish

File -> place image (place below net and fold layers)
Use targets (circle at the end of layers) to select all
Change net/ fold layers to no fill
Think about image placement and visibility
Create new layer 'crop and score marks' -> use pen tool to note fold lines and leave them off to the side of net -> turn off fold lines
Make sure you score/fold before you cut

Remember to print long edge binding
Remember to scale lid up (if using paper 5% will do)
Can save as pdf for sending to people who may not have adobe
Can include details in areas to be cut off (e.g. sizing, contact details)

Overall I found this workshop insightful and really useful. Although I am already fairly confident with illustrator, this was a really good method of learning how to quickly and professionally make high quality, personalised nets, which will be particularly useful for my 505 module.

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