Thursday, 11 February 2016

I see faces- 3D artist research

In order to explore character development further, I wanted to experiment with 3D materials as I really wanted to explore stop motion and how I could convey character in one three dimensional object rather than a few individual models. Because I really love working with clay, I am eager to see how my skills transfer into the similar media of plasticine, which I can then manipulate into movement. I'm also going to keep in mind the textiles side of 3D media such as wool and needle felting, and in particular the juxtaposition which can be achieved through the two media side by side.

What I like:
- Love the texture of Stitcher's work and how the smooth clay contrasts with the rough fur texture she creates
- Like how realistic and simple the single tone materials give a lot of elegance to the characters
- Character kept in Fadeeva's work, simple but slight additions of unrealistic features ensure it's unique

How this has impacted on me:
- Eager to explore sculpting with media such as plasticine
- Thinking about how to portray movement, decided I want to make a posable model to make the actions smoother
- How am I going to include texture and stop it from moving during photos

Beth Cavener Stichter
Natasha Fadeeva

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