Friday, 19 February 2016

I see faces- Development digital

In order to create my digital gif I started by producing roughs in my sketchbook, as I find this a far easier and looser way of working. I then traced over this in a different layer in photoshop and added different colours and components using a graphics tablet.

What I liked:
- This was one of my first times properly using a graphics tablet, and I am pleased with the overall form and cohesion of my piece
- Colour cohesion, how light blue sits well with the cool greys and slight addition of red balances the image
- Omission of detail works well to ensure it isn't overcrowded and makes sure the focus is on the action 

What I need to do next:
- Animate frames to create movement
- Experiment with amount of frames needed to create smooth movement
- Trail ways of showing the eating of the honey 

What I've learnt:
- How to translate analogue into digital media more effectively
- The importance of layers and how they are needed to quickly alter images later on
- The functions and workings of graphics tablets and how I can use them to develop my ideas and sketches
- Could explore other processes, such as Illustrator to make more uniform work?

Initial sketch
Halfway through
Including line from original sketch
Final image

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