Monday, 8 February 2016

Composition presentation

What is composition?
The layout of visual elements within a set frame to help communicate intent

What can good composition achieve?
A well composed picture will give the viewer a satisfied sense of order

What are the four main elements of composition?
Picture area, depth, line and value

What is the first thing to do when thinking about composition?
Decide what the intent of the image is, then reduce the components down to their simplest form and 'think on paper'

What is the difference between sketching and making artwork?
Sketching is working out arrangement and expresses our imagination roughly, in essence 'thinking on paper'

Picture area: Frame, dimensions
- How it's going to fit in the frame and how to use the constraints effectively

- Foreground, mid ground and background

Line of sight:
- How arrangement within a picture area can draw attention to a specific aspect

- How weight of certain colours can alter what stands out

Tatsuro Kiuchi:
- Line of sight draws eyes to people and foreground, followed by the gaze of the man
- Donuts frame girl on the left
- Value separates people from donuts with harsh contrasts
- Depth, dark at bottom makes it seem like the donuts are falling and gives a sense of place
Tatsuro Kiuchi
Eleni Kalorkoti:
- Line of sight makes viewer follow gaze
- Value- brings attention to the action of cutting her hair
- Picture area- full composition ensures attention is demanded and led down to bottom right
- Depth is added through tone in hands to ensure the image isn't 'flat'
Eleni Kalorkoti

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