Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Group feedback

Today we had a group crit where we anonymously commented on each others art work for our books.
I really enjoyed the experience of being able to see everyone else's work and how mine fits alongside other practitioners. I also talked to my tutors and peers about which book cover to use, and I decided on the simple yellow one to mirror how simple the actual content of the book is.

Some of the comments are below

Visual pros:
- Love the use of layering and collage! Beautiful
- This is beautiful, can I buy one pls?
- Super surfaces. repetition is effective
- Love the use of different textures to differentiate the coats
- Great range of sampled images
- One of my favourites

Idea pros:
- Really nice idea to progress through a book like this- simple but v. effective
- I'd buy this!!!
- Scanning fabrics works so well, so nice
- Love the idea, suits well with collage
- Great concept and use of material, final result looks professional too

Visual cons:
- White space? Are you making the most of it?

I found the feedback very complimentary, and I am overall very happy with how my project has gone. However one thing I will ensure I do next time is to ask the advice of my peers more regularly, as I feel this could have benefitted my practise as I would have been able to explore further the good things and work more on the not so good.

From this feedback a few things have been brought out, mainly how well the layering and levels of papers work, which I am really pleased about.

GIF of artwork
Chosen cover

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