Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Movement in character

In order to establish a visually interesting outcome I experimented with different positions and how to show the movement of the character, I really liked how effective the hair was in showing this, as well as how much of a nice contrast the sharp white provided. This is definitely something I'm going to explore more in my character development.

- Has quite a bit of personality and can see the feelings of the character
- White contrast in hair shows movement well
- Slight addition of pink cheeks help lift her from the page

- Sideways view- face looses personality
- Not whole body, need to practise scale
- Pencil too rough can't see potential
- Story boarding needs to mirror character positioning

Plan of action:
- Look at flatter colours for clothes- gouache?
- Think of coat composition- going to cover up faces
- Think about whether to include quotes/text

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