Monday, 4 January 2016

How many coats?

Today I created a poster to advertise my book, but since I only had around an hour and a half I had to work quickly and in an easily controllable media in order to accomplish the task. I also came up with the question 'how many coats is too many?' which I think may be the title for my book, as I think it gives quite a comical take on the subject matter whilst still bizarrely sounding fairly sinister.

I also had the opportunity to discuss my progress with Jamie, and together we came up with a list of media/concepts I want to explore over this week, which was extremely helpful in order for me to plan my time accordingly. In addition we discussed the narrative to my story, and we quickly discounted the idea of having it take place at the airport security, as the simple act of putting on coats, if executed correctly would be entertaining enough.

I also talked to my peers today about where my project is heading, and I now feel confident that the direction I have chosen is right, as I think as long as I keep the movement very present in my drawings this very simple idea will hopefully come to life on the page.

The best aspects:
-Simplicity of idea
-'Quiet' drawings
-Nice character development

Main concerns raised:
- Media used a bit too simple and safe
-To ensure movement is captured
-Ensure scales are used effectively

What I will do next: 
- Explore media-list below
- Try to use hair to capture the positions of the woman
- Practise drawing form during different movements
-Think of how/ if to include text throughout

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