Monday, 7 March 2016

Greetings from- Illustrator start

I spent the evening exploring illustrator, and how I can translate my drawings to vectors. I really really enjoyed working in illustrator, but since I don't have Illustrator at home I am going to have to make sure I thoroughly plan my work so that I can make the most of time in the studio.

After working digitally so exhaustively, I have so many questions and thoughts on my work:
- Do I need to rethink my content for the three animals-perhaps to shellfish?
- COLOUR! Is it too complicated? Maybe I need to simplify it to two/three plus stock- it would drastically change the feeling of my images but might be necessary to stop it getting too complicated
- Texture- Does it nee texture to stop it being so flat? Might work well with a simple colour palette 
- Really like the transparency effect- Can I incorporate this more?

Overall I think I want to try and make this set more 'print like', so that they look more like screen or mono prints instead of obvious vector illustrations

Initial Tallinn elk drawing
Experimenting with cropping and composition
Initial Maine vector drawing 
Experimenting with adding boats
Starting to think about adding texture to shell
Looking at 'grain' texture on the shell

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