Wednesday, 2 March 2016


I've really been struggling to find an idea to follow for this project, as I just can't seem to find a 'uniting' theme for my four cities. I think this is probably the most I've struggled with a task at university, but I think I just need to take a step back and almost start the project again in regards to my stimuli.

I think part of the problem is all the other projects we have on at the moment, as I am struggling to manage my time to tackle all the different tasks whilst still producing work I am happy with. I'm really stressing with the amount of work at the moment, and it really seems to be effecting my work process, especially with my Visual Language task, which I just can't seem to get right, and I haven't even started the PPP task.

It all seems to be too much right now, but I think I really just need to start relaxing and ENJOYING my work, as really that's what it's all about, if I don't enjoy my work how can I expect anyone else to?

This course is amazing, we just get to do what we love for three years, and although some tasks are hard at times, they are all moulding me into a better, more professional illustrator. I just need to let myself explore what I want to within the restraints of the course in any way I feel like.

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