Saturday, 19 March 2016

Persons of Note- Time management

We got given timetables to help organise how we spend out time over Easter, which I think will be really beneficial to me in helping to manage my tasks.
Because of other commitments such as family visits and volunteering at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park exhibition, I don't actually have as much time as I initially thought to spend on my work over the Easter Holidays, therefore I have to make sure I use my time wisely.

What are my priorities over the holidays?
- Make the most of the studio space and print facilities whilst they are quiet
- Get my developed first designs done for my tutorial with Jamie on the 12th of April
- Chip away a bit at COP- so will make the most of my train journeys to work on my essay, and on my commute home/evenings during the YSP exhibition try to explore COP visually
- Document my experiences at YSP for PPP
- Stick to my plan so that during the time I have blocked off for seeing family and friends I can relax and have some time away from work (Easter and Sheffield)

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